Friday, 9 March 2007

Well, if the research says so...

Spotted in the Metro, 'Celebrity ads 'fail'' seems to be the latest golden snippet of advice lovingly provided to help guide us safely through the current advertising minefield. Fantastic.

But hang on - before you boldly scribe it with red permanent marker on the inside cover of your 'blue sky' book, and set up a casting agency next door to your local job centre, a small note of caution. On closer inspection the 'discovery' (my quote marks) was made by testing...

'298 students' responses to magazine adverts for a camera'

I don't think the Beckhams and Mosses of this world need panic too much just yet.


Lies said...

You are right up there guys. You're there. You're like so on the money.

Anonymous said...

I think it would safe to say that the Metro weren't convinced by the return either given that they didn't choose a joe bloggs standing alluring next to the text to draw their readers' attention to the story.

Gracchi said...

Slightly more methodically a team at UCL have come up with the idea that sex doesn't sell any comments lads.

Robbie said...

Does sex sell? Same question as 'does humour, heritage or (the aforemantioned) celebrity etc sell?' Yes and no and every shade of grey in between.

What's more important than the theme of an ad is making sure the concept and execution is relevant to the product and audience. Lynx and Diet Coke are shinning examples of this, though I'm hopefully not sticking my neck out too far by saying that sex has probably been a little over used over the years.