Friday 9 February 2007

Hungry suitcase.

Yesterday, I was having a bit of a play, and I found Hungry Suitcase

Done by New York agency Big Spaceship it's a viral/micro-site for Royal Caribbean - and is worth a look just to see the level of craft that's gone into it: there's tonnes of beautiful 3D graphics, nice animation, and a well acted and scripted voice track.

Unfortunately, it's crafting that is the site's downfall too. Presumably from a desire to pack in as much 'fun' as possible (or bill the client for more and more animation time!), the site requires you to pack item after item after item into the suitcase, via every room in the house, before you're rewarded with a fairly funny sequence at the end.

It's totally unnecessary, and a real shame - turning a delightful experience into a tedious one. Worse still, Royal Caribbean aren't even mentioned 'til the final 'movie', so anyone who doesn't feel like packing all 12 items will bugger off before they know what the site's for.

It's a pity, because the concept is a good one.

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